There is the fact that building a gaming channel is similar to starting a YouTube channel with any kind of content. Starting from the basics and making sure the consistency over time, we’re confident you’ll be successful with any social channel. Whether you already have a gaming channel or are about to start one, these follow tips are highly recommended to apply to kick off your channel in 2021.

1. Choose your niche

One of the things that content creators are usually don’t know is that creating mixed content wouldn’t help much in building an audience for the channel, and they just create all kinds of content on a channel. Which would not be effective when growing a channel at first.

There are some misconceptions about the more types of content you produce, the fresher you are in the eyes of your audience. Most of the gamers come up with a bunch of ideas without knowing which ones they do the best. Many content creators are usually don’t know is that creating mixed content wouldn’t help much in building an audience for the channel, and they just create all kinds of content on a channel. In fact, it is also a double-edged sword. Producing a variety of content is only suitable when your channel has produced a sufficient amount of videos and it would not be effective when growing a channel at first. Having a strong focus on your niches and resisting the urge to follow all your passion at once is the perfect choice to save your creative energy to the right place.

Here are some types of content that you can inspire:

  • Walkthrough
  • Breaking Records
  • Humour
  • Let’s Play
  • Reviews
  • Live Stream

If you are good at one niche like gaming, try to focus on one kind of content only so that you can create a certain image in the audience first. One popular content that you can do is Streaming playing games and chat with the audience so that you can engage with them better. You can start to create more creative content like highlight videos so that they can watch your best moment that you have played before.

2. Production frequency

Once you know what type of content to produce and who will see it, you need to decide on a production schedule. How often will you release a new video?

Honestly, it’s hard to come up with a “one-size-fits-all” answer. It mainly depends on which types of content producing:

  • For vlogs or Let’s Plays, maybe every day.
  • For research, maybe weekly.
  • For high-quality skits, maybe it takes a month.

Be realistic and think for the long term. You might have enough energy to make one video a day right now, but can you keep it that way for six months or a year?

Nowadays, YouTube reward quality content and the algorithm has gotten better year after year at serving content to the right audience. That said, there is no need for daily gaming content. As long as you making well research and high-value video, your target audience will find a way to follow your work. From the starch, try to upload at least one video/ per week. Besides, giving yourself much time to relax, enjoy other parts of life, and more importantly, giving you some breaks to come up with more creative ideas for the next content.  

Reminder: Consistency is the key. Changing how often a video is released can make a lot of people unhappy, even missing a day (or week or month) can cause subscribers to abandon your gaming channel.

3. Don’t forget your titles, thumbnail

Thumbnails, Titles and descriptions together work as a poster. A good title will help your video pop up in the search results, meanwhile, the thumbnails will help your stand out amongst the crowd.

It takes a lot of time and effort to research ideas and proceeding one video, so writing a title for your Video game is extremely important to make you consider the title as a promise to the viewers. And walking through your video game, prove to your audience that these promises matched the expectations they were offered in the first place.

Because there is no common formula for every title video you made, take advantage of online tools available online like Canva or Photoshop to customize your video thumbnails in a unique style to make sure your audience sees it among hundreds of videos. Use a higher contrast, bright colors and a clear focal point.

4. Get yourself in the community 

Participating in a gaming community where many people share the same interests and passions as you have many benefits that you may not realize. It’s not a competition, it’s a symbiotic relationship. Join the Discord server of the game you intend to make in the upcoming video. Besides, don’t forget these forums like Steam or Reddit, Twitter. Try to find the places that all your potential fans are hanging out. Doing all this will help you updated with all forgotten aspects in the game, discover what a large community is excited about. In some cases, it would be a good opportunity to promote your channel with new gamers’ questions by leaving your answer with your video link.

5. Get noted with YouTube Shorts

YouTube Shorts is a new feature of YouTube, allowing users to post short videos of about 60 seconds on their YouTube channel like TikTok or Instagram’s Reels feature.

The change in the viewers’ behaviour today makes them favour fast-consuming videos with shorter information without committing to long, traditional videos on YouTube video. These are perfect for the gaming community. Playing game often leads to interesting or hilarious moments when anyone can enjoy and share. Pick a moment you think is the most highlight from your playing game video and edit it in a funny way. It will be a wise strategy to attract a large number of views to your channel if you know how to stay ahead in the game by using YouTube Shorts.

6. The last words

With the above-mentioned tips, we hope you find them informative and engaging. Getting start with Youtube Channel has been never the easy “game” . Take a moment to learn and experiment, you will see a whole lot of differences in final results, getting close to your potential fans, or have more chances to increase more subcribers, more likes on your YouTube channel with BuyViewsLikes proactively.