• 1 USA Linkedin Recommendations

    • 24-48 hours delivery
    • No-drop Recommendations
    • Lifetime Guarantee
  • 2 USA Linkedin Recommendations

    • 24-48 hours delivery
    • No-drop Recommendations
    • Lifetime Guarantee
  • 4 USA Linkedin Recommendations

    • 24-48 hours delivery
    • No-drop Recommendations
    • Lifetime Guarantee
  • 8 USA Linkedin Recommendations

    • 24-48 hours delivery
    • No-drop Recommendations
    • Lifetime Guarantee
  • 16 USA Linkedin Recommendations

    • 24-72 hours delivery
    • No-drop Recommendations
    • Lifetime Guarantee
  • 32 USA Linkedin Recommendations

    • 3-4 days delivery
    • No-drop Recommendations
    • Lifetime Guarantee

Buy USA Linkedin Recommendations – WHY?

Buy USA Linkedin Recommendations open opportunities to help candidates create an impression in the eyes of employers. Especially, Linkedin Recommendations only from real USA humans. So it will help your CV easily to get attention and be more professional.

BuyViewsLikes is a good place to get real USA Linkedin Recommendations at affordable prices. We ensure 100% Results Guaranteed. Besides, BuyViewsLikes delivered more than 10,000 orders and Linkedin Recommendations with 100% Satisfaction from the buyers. Moreover, we have the lifetime warranty for USA Recommendations after delivery.


Recommendations on LinkedIn will also be easier for both the person who needs and the person who writes the introduction.

With LinkedIn, you can “request a recommendation” in just a few steps and suggest some of the skills and experiences you’d like them to mention in the recommendation. The recommender also just chooses your relationship with that person, what position you are working in, and a short paragraph for them to fill in the reasons they recommend you.

Ask someone to write a recommend

Ask someone to write a recommend

Write a recommendation on Linkedin

Write a recommendation on Linkedin

You can also choose to publish (post), dismiss (cancel), pending (browse), or request revision (edit) of the recommendations you are not satisfied with. In addition, you also have the option to show (show) or hide (hide) previously posted recommendations.

Dismiss or request revision Linkedin Recommendation

Dismiss or request revision Linkedin Recommendation

Get Recommendations From Colleagues

One of the most important factors that distinguish a quality Linkedin Profile is Recommendation – the comments of former and current colleagues about you. This is considered a reliable indicator for both LinkedIn and employers. Ideally, you should have about 2 Recommendations per old job and a total of 5-10 Recommendations in your Linkedin Profile.

To submit a Recommendation request, you can follow these steps:

  • Hover your mouse over your Profile Photo in the right corner of the screen, then select Privacy & Settings.
  • In the Settings section, continue to select Manage your recommendations.
  • After clicking Ask for recommendations, Linkedin will ask you to choose the job that you want to receive a Recommendation for and send it to 3 people in your Connection.
  • In the attached message section, please present clearly and politely so that the recipient knows what to write a comment about.

Making good use of this specialized social network can be the necessary highlight for you to go further in your career path and open up many good prospects in 2023