Up to now, SoundCloud is still the best choice to be a profitable playground with new faces. It used to be a haven for up-and-coming artists, hosting many of the demos that have become global hits with billions of views. The Billie Eilish siblings released their first song on SoundCloud. She once shared that SoundCloud is the only reason she can do anything because this is an era where anyone can make music and of course, SoundCloud will make it happen.

There are certainly plenty of musical talents out there in some remote countryside who still upload their makeshift but hopeful tracks to SoundCloud, with the desire to share their music with everyone. Many famous singers in the US-UK market still update and post their music on this platform. However, popularity can’t come to you overnight, it certainly needs plans as well as a reasonable strategy. Stay tuned for the following blog guide that will help you decipher the question “How to get more plays on SoundCloud in 2021

1. Don’t scare to share

The first step to introduce you to the world is sharing your product. Don’t be afraid that your friends won’t like your work. Believe that there will always be a group of people into your taste of music and support your efforts under no circumstances. Consistency is the key to reach your fan and keep them play your work to see when you’ve recently uploaded or reposted a track.

2. Utilize your Soundcloud profile

In your excitement to share your songs and sounds everywhere, you might forget to even properly decorate your profile professionally. Soundtrack is the key to attracting people but your home must be the element for keeping them stay longer.

In terms of utilizing your channel, it does not just mean simply signing up on SoundCloud and record and upload your music instantly. To get more plays on Soundcloud, you have to visualize your purpose why you wanted to be heard. Remember that you will not just attract listeners, you want them to be your followers.

  •  Choose the username to correspond with your artist name. If you have another option, just do it uniquely and simplify. But make sure users will be able to identify your username and easily recognize you across another social channel
  • Customize your SoundCloud avatar and cover. As for your profile and header image, it’s always advisable to use a personal picture instead of some logo or abstract image.
  • Short description. Say something about yourself. Create a unique statement on your SoundCloud profile that will be easy to remember for anyone.
  • Link your social media link. Make sure you can offer your visitor a chance to explore more about your content on other social media. The followers that go cross-platform are really important because they’re showing real interest in your content and might become your loyal fans.

3. Interact with SoundCloud community:

  • Artist community

Establishing a little community among yourself with producers who have the same style or taste of music. Try to search for their music track, drop a nice little comment back and maybe discuss some parts that you enjoy from the track, etc (but do not need to spam or beg them to check out your music, people often see it as annoying and most of the time it makes people ignore you, rather than pay attention to you)  

This is the great thing that really can help everyone to get feedback, support each other, feed off each other audiences, drop comments frequently, help boost our music up and get more quality plays on your SoundCloud.

  • Fanbase community

Keep connecting with your audience by following/commenting back and DMing exclusive content; they’ll appreciate the look and reciprocate by engaging back and upping your stats.

4. Upgrade Soundcloud Pro Unlimited account 

Soundcloud Pro/Pro Unlimited is aimed at Soundcloud active music producers. This paid plan allows artists to post more content, get more support, and participate in the Soundcloud Premier program to commercialize their work.

A free account allows you to upload up to 3 hours of music and listen to unlimited music. It gives you statistics on your plays and profile views. Meanwhile getting a SoundCloud Pro account gives you many added benefits. It allows users to upload unlimited times, adds additional features such as enhanced analytics behind your plays track, to discover who your listeners are with advanced insight, monetize plays on SoundCloud & other music services… Therefore, so the 12$/month fee is also worth investing if you want to seriously pursue a professional music career on SoundCloud

5. Story-telling

People love stories. Try to capture the listeners’ emotion by briefly describing your uploaded sound or music through stories. Tell them why you love that song. Tell them stories of how a certain melody affects you or someone special to you. Or maybe, you can invite your listener to share a related story with the music you just shared. What emotions or memories were brought back because of your music?

Start a podcast and feature other musicians affected by COVID-19, share your stories, and bumper the content by dropping your GoFundMe and Kickstarter links so fans can support your new content. On SoundCloud, you can start podcasting in seconds. 

6. Use the proper hashtag

Similar to Instagram or Facebook, SoundCloud’s tags are like hashtags on social networks, both used to help users easily find content by the topic they need. On SoundCloud, you can use tags to accurately “label” your music, making it easier for users to find your music when searching for that topic. 

The more correct genre you tag, the more interest your music will get. This is what most artists on SoundCloud are often confused about. They tag the hottest genres on the market to their music, in the hope of being more accessible. And then that leads to the opposite result. A hip-hop song that’s tagged “disco” just because disco is trending won’t get as much engagement, causing it to sink further down the search results. 

7. Create a playlist


Make it easier for your listeners to feel a quick grasp of what type of music you are sharing by creating playlists for them. Create a well-thought list of songs that will do best when created as a playlist. If you are new on SoundCloud and have an old track. Your new followers haven’t listened to your track before. Creating a brand-new playlist each day solely from one track might boost your track to the Soundcloud feed and hopefully, new followers will engage with the oldish track. 

8. Hire a Soundcloud marketing service supplier

It’s a great way of kickstarting a song. Instead of starting from zero plays, you can start from a few thousand followers and quickly put things in gear. Not everyone gets noticed quickly and some don’t get the recognition they deserve at all. Make sure you promote your music the right way because doing nothing and hoping a lot of listeners will find you don’t work anymore.

Buying real SoundCloud followers and plays can help you to speed up your progress, get more plays on Soundcloud in a short time, as well as boost your popularity or give fame. Following the “social proof”, when people see your profile, they will check the huge crowd listening to your track. It boosts them to listen to more music your profile has. More plays and followers will lead to even more amazing results. 

At Buyviewslikes, we provide Marketing solutions to help you increase plays on Soundcloud, increase your SoundCloud followers with 100% guaranteed quality. With nearly 500 orders per month, customers using the service always leave positive feedback, which is a source of motivation for us to track your SoundCloud’s successful growth every day.