As the “loyal” user of Youtube, “subscriber” is not a strange term. You can also get a decent idea of ​​how subscriber count YouTube typically correlates with a channel’s influence. But what exactly are the subscribers on Youtube, the most popular video sharing platform? Are the number of subscribers in your YouTube Analytics absolutely accurate? The below article will give you answers for all these questions to give you detailed information about YouTube subscribers. 

What are YouTube subscribers?

Since its establishment in 2005, Youtube has become the best known video sharing platform all around the world. As a content creator on Youtube, you may be not unfamiliar with the term “subscribers”. 

Simply, subscribers are those who have subscribed to your channel on YouTube. Therefore, whenever you share a new video on this site, your subscribers will be more likely to see it on their newsfeed and watch your video. 

Having more subscribers on your Youtube channel helps you get attraction and views from audience

Having more subscribers on your YouTube channel helps you get attraction and views from audience

From this, you can have as many views for your channel as subscribers (or more). However, this does not always work correctly like that in practice. There are many reasons you are not getting the number of views as your subscribers count YouTube. there are other factors that can make an effect on the accuracy of these numbers.

As you know, YouTube subscribers are crucial since they give a positive signal to your videos. They watched your upload, and by following your channel, they saw your future videos. You can consider them as your most loyal audience. YouTube has a feature to show your new videos to your subscribers in their newsfeed every time they use the application. Thus, this pushes your new content to a subscriber without you advertising them.

How to count your subscribers on YouTube? 

With the above information, sure that you have a better knowledge of your subscriber count. So how to check this number? Keep in mind that you cannot approach detailed analytics via your YouTube mobile application. It is necessary to use a web browser. Checking how many subscribers there are on your channel is so easy. You can follow the below steps: 

It is easy to check the number of subscribers count youtube 

It is easy to check the number of subscribers count on YouTube

  • Click on your profile icon in the right navigation menu.
  • Go to the “YouTube Studio beta”. 
  • It will get you to a new Studio dashboard. And then select “Analytics” in the top left corner. 
  • Search for the real time section on your right corner. On this page, you can get detailed information about performing your channel such as your live subscriber count. Or if you want to watch a larger and streamable screen, you can click on “See Live Counts” 

If you still want to count your subscribers by using the classic Creator Studio, you can follow these steps as below:

  • Click on “Creator Studio Classic” in the bottom left corner of the YouTube navigation menu. 
  • There is a window appearing and asking why you want to convert. Just choose one reason. And it brings you to the old “Creator Studio” dashboard. On this menu, select the “Community”. 
  • Then, you will see your subscribers count on YouTube

This gives out all subscribers who choose to show their subscriptions to the public. You can also see some basic figures such as when they subscribed to your channel and the numbers of subscribers there are. 

You can also classify your subscribers by “Most Recent” and “Most Popular”. Therefore, you can track if other creators on YouTube are following your channel. In case they do, you can follow them back and create a good relationship to make dual videos in the future.

Building intimate partnerships is one of the greatest solutions to boost your channel. You can co-create videos, have them recommend you, or even include them in your videos. This will draw their fans to your channel, thus your channel gets more subscribers.

Some inaccuracies with subscribers count YouTube 

The number of YouTube subscribers you can check on your channel still has some inaccuracies. Some changes in this platform can affect the relationship between your subscriber count and your performance. 

Improve YouTube’s usability and their impact on performance

YouTube has over 30 million users every day. And these people watch approximately 5 billion videos daily. And the content creators on this video sharing platform upload around 300 hours of video every minute. Therefore, it is simple for YouTube users to have a cluttered subscription newsfeed.

There are still some imperfections with subscribers count on Youtube platform

There are still some imperfections with subscribers count on YouTube platform

To identify these usability enhancements, YouTube created some tweaks. A home page of one user now has an aggregate of videos from their subscribed channels and existing videos based on their viewing history.

YouTube displayed your videos more accurately by prioritizing the channels you engage with the most. From that, it is difficult for content creators to distribute their content to audiences who subscribed to their channel. Therefore, you cannot rely on subscriber count YouTube to check your performance because this is not a correct way to count your views.

Limited with personal account and updated video in real-time 

You may see that the number of YouTube subscribers shown on your channel does not match the number of subscribers you see in Analytics. This is because YouTube does not immediately update the date of your channel in real time. It often takes 2 days for YouTube to refresh the data so that they ensure that your new subscribers are real.

In addition, the Subscriber List in Creator Studio only displays the subscribers count who show your subscription to the public. For new users, they set their subscription list private. Users can decide to make this list public or not. As a result, your Analytics can only track the number of subscribers with a publicly visible list which makes the report data incorrect. 

With the above information, hope that you have thorough information of what subscribers on YouTube are. It is easy to check your subscriber count YouTube by using the “Analytics” feature. However, keep in mind that these numbers are not always correct and up-to-date. Using the “” tool to count your subscribers in real time instead can be a great option.