Have you ever watched a video on TikTok and felt like you were part of an imaginary conversation? Unlike traditional YouTube videos, where creators usually chat with you for sharing or doing tutorials. POVs on TikTok are something mysterious, unpredictable and different from our usual expectations. So what is “POV videos” or “POVs” means and what are the secrets to creating a million-views POV video. Let’s dive into the detail with BuyViewsLikes’s blog today.

1. What is POV on TikTok?


POV stands for “Point of View” which is a technique used in film production that involves the viewer experiencing a specific way from the point of view of a certain character.

In eSport broadcasting, a POV camera means that the viewer is following the perspective of a particular player playing the match.

Whereas, in Tiktok, making POV videos is about recreating a situation, making viewers feel like they are in the story itself and watching everything happen.

For example, a POV video might put you on the other end of the line during a phone call with your rowdy aunt. One popular POV is Boyfriend POV, where TikToker plays your boyfriend, picks you up on a date, or shows you love.


While some POVs on TikTok use real-life situations, such as talking to friends, lovers or loved ones. Some other POVs are purely imaginary worlds. This category can include historical figures, cosplay, horror short films, or elaborate skits.

POV videos often have very little in common, other than that they assign an important role to the viewer. They can be seen as a means of entertainment, a form of expression, or a way to convey information or express criticism.

2. Why should you create a POV on TikTok?

By making viewers part of the video, POVs draw viewers right into the scene, plus you communicate with your viewers on a personal level, which can get them to “like” and share your video more.

The more people engage with your content, the better your chances of appearing on the audience’s FYP (For You Page) and thereby, more views for your other videos. You should also understand how FYP works on TikTok, to create videos geared towards your specific audience.

Even when just using TikTok for fun, POVs are a great way for TikTokers to unleash their creativity and express their individuality. It allows creators to interact with viewers from a unique perspective, with unique storylines and investment visuals.

If you already know what POV on TikTok is and why it goes viral, let’s find out how to make a good POV video.

3. How to make great POV videos on TikTok

What is the best idea for a POV on TikTok? There are no “one-size-fits-all” recipes for the perfect answer. Creativity is no limit at all. This genre is extremely versatile and diverse. Check out the hashtag #POV for inspiration or come up with your own ideas based on a trending sound or song.

Prepare before shooting video

Fantasy: Before you start shooting, you should have a clear plan. First, decide on the nature of the video. Will this be a touching, funny or helpful video? That will help you prepare your outfit, makeup, and lighting accordingly. Remember that you want viewers to be instantly immersed in the video.

Time: Then think about the length of the video. A short script (such as the Boyfriend POV example that we mentioned earlier) can take as little as 15 seconds, while the best plot is delivered in 60 seconds.

Scripting: Writing a script that implements ideas and angles on paper (or a note-taking application) will help you reduce filming time. Also, it would be nice to write down the dialogue, as you can then insert it as text into the video, instead of just talking out loud like others do.

Start recording POV videos on TikTok

Practice a few times with the audio before hitting the record for the first time, especially when you’re making a lip sync video. You need to have the necessary confidence to be properly and charismatic.

When you start filming, zoom in on the camera, don’t be shy. Think about the viewer’s point of view. If they are supposed to be you, sitting across from you, the camera should be about the same. Or maybe, set the angle above or below for variety. A well-organized camera angle makes your content more interesting and surprising.

Tips to make POV videos even better after shooting


Adding text to a clip doesn’t just help in cases where you don’t want to speak out loud. In fact, many users watch videos without the sound on. So, adding closed captions can help your video get more impressions. Subtitles also make your video more accessible to viewers who can’t keep up with your voice.

Some filters and effects add more layers and depth. For example, if you’re filming alone, you can use the Trio effect to create a crowd. If you want to move yourself to another location, you can use the Green Screen filter.

However, it’s important to remember, the best thing about POV videos is that they can connect with viewers personally. So sometimes, “Less is more” (roughly translated: do less to achieve more) make viewers feel attached.

When uploading a video, start the caption with the hashtag #pov and then describe the content of the video. For example: “#pov your mom asks you what her password is, even though she never told you and you didn’t open an account for her either.”

Sometimes the caption can be the most important part. Since viewers are often left in situations without knowing the context, subtitles will ensure that they understand what’s going on and don’t miss any of your ideas (or jokes).

Many trends on TikTok explode and then quickly disappear. However, in the case of POV, it is not. POV has been around since the early days when TikTok was created and the trend is growing stronger and stronger.

So, if this type of video is interesting to you and you have the ability to do it, this is a great way for you to increase your followers.

Final Thoughts

Through the article on what is POV on TikTok and how to create a quality POV video, BuyViewsLikes hopes you have answered the question of what POV on TikTok is and confidently started making a video right away.

However, a good content that requires a great deal of your time and creativity but is still unrecognized? Maybe because promoting your video manually might not be that fruitful as people that has already achieved traction.

For a start, try engaging with reputable sources to get more attention from authentic TikTok users. The service complies with the platform’s Terms of Service so your account is completely safe. In turn, your video content will receive some much-needed exposure. BuyViewsLikes will be the solution to the problems you have been facing. Contact us for support to increase the number of Tiktok views, Tiktok likes for video and Tiktok followers for your channel.